Thursday, October 27, 2016

Script to read file and send events into object server

Script to read file and generate insert statements for nco_sql and then send events into object server


use Date::Parse;
use Text::CSV;

# Control Variables:

## Do not set both variables to 1 at same time
$GenerateCSVSuitedForDB2insert=0;       # Use this variable to generate csv to load directly into db2
$GenerateCSVSuitedForOmnibusGLFProbe=1; # Use this variable to generate csv file for event replay

open my $fh, "<", $InputCSVFileToParse or die "$InputCSVFileToParse $!";


if( $GenerateCSVSuitedForOmnibusGLFProbe == 1)
print "\n\n";
print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Begin of format with Omnibus fields and well suited for GLF probe processing\n";
print "\n\n";

my $csv = Text::CSV->new ({
always_quote => 0,
    binary    => 1, # Allow special character. Always set this
    auto_diag => 1, # Report irregularities immediately
eol => "\n"

while (my $row = $csv->getline ($fh)) {

$FO = str2time($row->[11]);
$LO= str2time($row->[12]);
print "\n";
print "insert into alerts.status (FirstOccurrence,LastOccurrence,Manager,Node,NodeAlias,Identifier,AlertGroup,AlertKey,Location,Summary,Severity,Type,ExpireTime) values ($FO,$LO,'$row->[4]','$row->[2]','$row->[3]','$row->[0]','$row->[6]','$row->[7]','$row->[18]','$row->[9]',$row->[8],$row->[14],600)\;\n";
print "\n\n";
print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of format with Omnibus fields and well suited for GLF probe processing\n";


print "\n\n";
close $fh;


[netcool@omnibus bin]$ ./nco_sql -server NCOMS -user root  
1> insert into alerts.status (FirstOccurrence,LastOccurrence,Manager,Node,NodeAlias,Identifier,AlertGroup,AlertKey,Location,Summary,Severity,Type,ExpireTime) values (1471047551,1471047551,'MTTrapd Probe','','',' ccmHistoryEventEntry.521500 Configuration Change 13 Cisco-Configuration Management MTTrapd Probe 1 1 3 2','Configuration Change','ccmHistoryEventEntry.521500','(null)','Configuration Changed via Command Line  ( Source: Running Configuration-:- Destination: Command Source )',2,13,600);


use Time::HiRes qw(usleep nanosleep);

$printSTDOUT = 1;

open(f1,"$file") or die "No file $file\n";

$loopCount = 0;
open(f2,"|/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -server NOI_AGG_P -user root -password object00");
foreach $i (@Array)
$loopCount = $loopCount +1;
print "$i\n" if($printSTDOUT);
print "-----------------------------------------------\n" if($printSTDOUT);
print f2 "$i\n" if($sendToOmnibus);
if( $loopCount % 101 == 0 ) # Break the nco_sql insert statements into chunks
$countTheInserts = $countTheInserts + 1;
print f2 "go\n" if($sendToOmnibus);
print "HEY BILL - loopCount=$loopCount\n" if($printSTDOUT);
print "HEY BILL it inserted $countTheInserts\n" if($printSTDOUT);
print "loopCount=$loopCount\n";
print "loopCount=$loopCount\n";

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