Monday, July 10, 2017

tcpdump. tcprewrite

## Get TCP DUMP Capture for traps on port 162 using

 tcpdump -s8192 -w <file name-1 > udp port 162

## Run rewrite script against this dump file to change the MAC and IP Address <file name> <New file name>

you need to install a module called tcpreply from




tcprewrite --pnat --dmac 08:00:20:d2:19:93  -i$1 -o$2

here ## I am changing the production trap server IP to lab server ip and adding lb servers MAC ADDR.

$1 is captured file name and $2 is new capture file with lab servers IP and MAC address.

tvprewrite --pnat=<OLDIP>/32:<NEWIP>/32 --enet-dmac <NEW-MAC> -i <old-PCAP-File> -o <new-PCAP-File>


## read this new file to confirm if headers have changed

tcpdump -r <New file name> -vv ( TWO Vs)

tcpdump -r <pcap-File> -vv > readable.out

cat readable.out | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq  (this is to check what source ip sending data)

## Replay this file to genrate the traps

tcpreply -i etho -o <New file name>

This will send the traps to mttrapd probe running on port 162 on Lab server.

tcpdump -nvvv dst port 162

- I have seen mttrapd probe didn't process these alarms because the firewalld was running and blocking the traffic

systemctl stop firewalld

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